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Stake pools are an alternative method of earning staking rewards. This on-chain program pools together SOL to be staked by a staker, allowing SOL holders to stake and earn rewards without managing stakes.


SOL token holders can earn rewards and help secure the network by staking tokens to one or more validators. Rewards for staked tokens are based on the current inflation rate, total number of SOL staked on the network, and an individual validator’s uptime and commission (fee).

Additional information regarding staking and stake programming is available at:


Solana's programming model and the definitions of the Solana terms used in this document are available at:


This document is intended for the main actors of the stake pool system:

  • manager: creates and manages the stake pool, earns fees, can update the fee, staker, and manager
  • staker: adds and removes validators to the pool, rebalances stake among validators, can update the staker
  • user: provides liquid or staked SOL into an existing stake pool

In its current iteration, the stake pool accepts active stakes or SOL, so deposits may come from either an active stake or SOL wallet. Withdrawals can return a fully active stake account from one of the stake pool's accounts, or SOL from the reserve.

This means that stake pool managers and stakers must be comfortable with creating and delegating stakes, which are more advanced operations than sending and receiving SPL tokens and SOL. Additional information on stake operations are available at:

To reach a wider audience of users, stake pool managers are encouraged to provide a market for their pool's tokens, through an AMM like Token Swap.

Alternatively, stake pool managers can partner with wallet and stake account providers for direct SOL deposits.


A stake pool manager creates a stake pool. At this point, users can immediately participate with SOL deposits with the deposit-sol instruction, moving funds into the reserve in exchange for pool tokens.

Using those SOL deposits, the staker includes validators that will receive delegations from the pool by adding "validator stake accounts" to the pool using the add-validator instruction. In this command, the stake pool uses reserve funds to create a new stake account and delegate it to the desired validator.

At this point, users can also deposit a stake account into the pool. To do this, they must delegate a stake account to one of the validators in the stake pool. If the stake pool has a preferred deposit validator, the user must delegate their stake to that validator's vote account.

Once the stake becomes active, which happens at the following epoch boundary (maximum 2 days), the user can deposit their stake into the pool using the deposit-stake instruction.

In exchange for their deposit (SOL or stake), the user receives SPL tokens representing their fractional ownership in pool. A percentage of the rewards earned by the pool goes to the pool manager as an epoch fee.

Over time, as the stakes in the pool accrue rewards, the user's fractional ownership will be worth more than their initial deposit.

Whenever they wish to exit the pool, the user may use the withdraw-sol instruction to receive SOL from the stake pool's reserve in exchange for stake pool tokens. Note that this operation will fail if there is not enough SOL in the stake pool's reserve, which is normal if the stake pool manager stakes all of the SOL in the pool.

Alternatively, they can use the withdraw-stake instruction to withdraw an activated stake account in exchange for their SPL pool tokens. The user will get back a SOL stake account immediately. The ability to withdraw stake is always possible, under all circumstances.

Note: when withdrawing stake, if the user wants to withdraw the SOL in the stake account, they must first deactivate the stake account and wait until the next epoch boundary (maximum 2 days). Once the stake is inactive, they can freely withdraw the SOL.

The stake pool staker can add and remove validators, or rebalance the pool by decreasing the stake on a validator, waiting an epoch to move it into the stake pool's reserve account, then increasing the stake on another validator.

The staker operation to add a new validator requires 1.00228288 SOL to create the stake account on a validator, so the stake pool reserve needs liquidity.

Funding restrictions

To give the manager more control over funds entering the pool, stake pools allow deposit and withdrawal restrictions on SOL and stakes through three different "funding authorities":

  • SOL deposit
  • Stake deposit
  • SOL withdrawal

If the field is set, that authority must sign the associated instruction.

For example, if the manager sets a stake deposit authority, then that address must sign every stake deposit instruction.

This can also be useful in a few situations:

  • Control who deposits into the stake pool
  • Prohibit a form of deposit. For example, the manager only wishes to have SOL deposits, so they set a stake deposit authority, making it only possible to deposit a stake account if that authority signs the transaction.
  • Maintenance mode. If the pool needs time to reset fees or otherwise, the manager can temporarily restrict new deposits by setting deposit authorities.

Note: in order to keep user funds safe, stake withdrawals are always permitted.

Safety of Funds

One of the primary aims of the stake pool program is to always allow pool token holders to withdraw their funds at any time.

To that end, let's look at the three classes of stake accounts in the stake pool system:

  • validator stake: active stake accounts, one per validator in the pool
  • transient stake: activating or deactivating stake accounts, merged into the reserve after deactivation, or into the validator stake after activation, one per validator
  • reserve stake: inactive stake, to be used by the staker for rebalancing

Additionally, the staker may set a "preferred withdraw account", which forces users to withdraw from a particular stake account. This is to prevent malicious depositors from using the stake pool as a free conversion between validators.

When processing withdrawals, the order of priority goes:

  • preferred withdraw validator stake account (if set)
  • validator stake accounts
  • transient stake accounts
  • reserve stake account
  • removing validator stake accounts entirely

If there is preferred withdraw validator, and that validator stake account has any SOL, a user must withdraw from that account.

If that account is empty, or the preferred withdraw validator stake account is not set, then the user must withdraw from any validator stake account.

If all validator stake accounts are empty, which may happen if the stake pool staker decreases the stake on all validators at once, then the user must withdraw from any transient stake account.

If all transient stake accounts are empty, then the user must withdraw from the reserve or completely remove a validator stake account.

In this way, a user's funds are never at risk, and always redeemable.


Active stakes

As mentioned earlier, the stake pool works with active stakes to maintain fungibility of stake pool tokens. Fully activated stakes are not equivalent to inactive, activating, or deactivating stakes due to the time cost of staking.

Transient stake accounts

Each validator gets one transient stake account, so the staker can only perform one action at a time on a validator. It's impossible to increase and decrease the stake on a validator at the same time. The staker must wait for the existing transient stake account to get merged during an update instruction before performing a new action.

Reserve stake account

Every stake pool is initialized with an undelegated reserve stake account, used to hold undelegated stake in process of rebalancing. After the staker decreases the stake on a validator, one epoch later, the update operation will merge the decreased stake into the reserve. Conversely, whenever the staker increases the stake on a validator, the lamports are drawn from the reserve stake account.

Validator list account

Every stake pool contains two data accounts: the stake pool and the validator list.

The stake pool contains overall information about the pool, including fees, pool token mint, amount under management, etc.

The validator list contains specific information about each of the validator stake accounts in the pool. This information includes the amount of SOL staked on the validator by the pool, and the amount of SOL being activated / deactivated on the validator.

Every stake pool must have its own validator list account, otherwise it will fail on initialization.

Transaction sizes

The Solana transaction processor has two important limitations:

  • size of the overall transaction, limited to roughly 1 MTU / packet
  • computation budget per instruction

A stake pool may manage hundreds of staking accounts, so it is impossible to update the total value of the stake pool in one instruction. Thankfully, the command-line utility breaks up transactions to avoid this issue for large pools.