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More examples can be found in the Transfer Hook example tests, as well as the TLV Account Resolution tests.

Initializing Extra Account Metas On-Chain

The ExtraAccountMetaList struct is designed to make working with extra account configurations as seamless as possible.

Using ExtraAccountMetaList::init<T>(..), you can initialize a buffer with the serialized ExtraAccountMeta configurations by simply providing a mutable reference to the buffer and a slice of ExtraAccountMeta. The generic T is the instruction whose discriminator the extra account configurations should be assigned to. In our case, this will be spl_transfer_hook_interface::instruction::ExecuteInstruction from the Transfer Hook interface.

Note: All instructions from the SPL Transfer Hook interface implement the trait SplDiscriminate, which provides a constant 8-byte discriminator that can be used to create a TLV data entry.

pub fn process_initialize_extra_account_meta_list(
program_id: &Pubkey,
accounts: &[AccountInfo],
extra_account_metas: &[ExtraAccountMeta],
) -> ProgramResult {
let account_info_iter = &mut accounts.iter();

let validation_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let mint_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let authority_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;
let _system_program_info = next_account_info(account_info_iter)?;

// Check validation account
let (expected_validation_address, bump_seed) =
get_extra_account_metas_address_and_bump_seed(mint_info.key, program_id);
if expected_validation_address != *validation_info.key {
return Err(ProgramError::InvalidSeeds);

// Create the account
let bump_seed = [bump_seed];
let signer_seeds = collect_extra_account_metas_signer_seeds(mint_info.key, &bump_seed);
let length = extra_account_metas.len();
let account_size = ExtraAccountMetaList::size_of(length)?;
&system_instruction::allocate(validation_info.key, account_size as u64),
&system_instruction::assign(validation_info.key, program_id),

// Write the data
let mut data = validation_info.try_borrow_mut_data()?;
ExtraAccountMetaList::init::<ExecuteInstruction>(&mut data, extra_account_metas)?;


After calling ExtraAccountMetaList::init::<ExecuteInstruction>(..) on the mutable account data, the account now stores all of the serialized extra account configurations for an Execute instruction!

Resolving Extra Account Metas Off-Chain

When building a transaction with an instruction, either for your transfer hook program directly or for a program that will CPI to your transfer hook program, you must include all required accounts - including the extra accounts.

Below is an example of the logic contained in the Transfer Hook interface's offchain helper.

// You'll need to provide an "account data function", which is a function that
// can, given a `Pubkey`, return account data within an `AccountDataResult`.
// This is most likely based off of an RPC call like `getAccountInfo`.

// Load the validation state data
let validate_state_pubkey = get_extra_account_metas_address(mint_pubkey, program_id);
let validate_state_data = fetch_account_data_fn(validate_state_pubkey)

// First create an `ExecuteInstruction`
let mut execute_instruction = execute(

// Resolve all additional required accounts for `ExecuteInstruction`
ExtraAccountMetaList::add_to_instruction::<ExecuteInstruction, _, _>(
&mut execute_instruction,

// Add only the extra accounts resolved from the validation state

// Add the program id and validation state account
.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*program_id, false));
.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(validate_state_pubkey, false));

As you can see from the example, an important concept to remember is which instruction these extra accounts are for. Even though you might be building an instruction for some other program, which may not need them, if that program is going to CPI to your transfer hook program, it needs to have the proper accounts.

Additionally, in order to perform a successful dynamic account resolution, the proper instruction needs to be provided to align with the instruction that was configured in the validation account - in this case the Transfer Hook interface's ExecuteInstruction. This is why we first create an ExecuteInstruction, then resolve the extra accounts for that instruction, and finally add those accounts to our current instruction.

Resolving Extra Account Metas On-Chain for CPI

During the execution of a program that seeks to CPI to your transfer hook program, even though the additional required accounts were provided by the offchain account resolution, the executing program has to know how to build a CPI instruction with the proper accounts as well!

Below is an example of the logic contained in the Transfer Hook interface's onchain helper.

// Find the validation account from the list of `AccountInfo`s and load its
// data
let validate_state_pubkey = get_extra_account_metas_address(mint_info.key, program_id);
let validate_state_info = account_infos
.find(|&x| *x.key == validate_state_pubkey)

// Find the transfer hook program ID
let program_info = account_infos
.find(|&x| x.key == program_id)

// First create an `ExecuteInstruction`
let mut execute_instruction = instruction::execute(
let mut execute_account_infos = vec![

// Resolve all additional required accounts for `ExecuteInstruction`
&mut execute_instruction,
&mut execute_account_infos,

// Add only the extra accounts resolved from the validation state

// Add the program id and validation state account
.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(*program_id, false));
.push(AccountMeta::new_readonly(validate_state_pubkey, false));

Although this example may appear more verbose than its offchain counterpart, it's actually doing the exact same steps, just with an instruction and a list of account infos, since CPI requires both.

The key difference between ExtraAccountMetaList::add_to_instruction(..) and ExtraAccountMetaList::add_to_cpi_instruction(..) is that the latter method will find the corresponding AccountInfo in the list and add it to cpi_account_infos at the same time as it adds the resolved AccountMeta to the instruction, ensuring all resolved account keys are present in the AccountInfo list.