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Protocol Overview

In this section, we provide an overview of the underlying cryptographic protocol for the confidential Token extension. An understanding of the details that are discussed in the following subsections is not needed to actually use the confidential extension. We refer to the previous section for a quick start guide.

We note that this overview exists mainly to provide the design intuition behind the underlying cryptography that is used in the confidential extension. Some parts of the description of the protocol in the overview could differ from the actual implementation. We refer to the subsequent subsections, the source code, and the documentation within for the precise details of the underlying cryptography.

Tokens with Encryption and Proofs

The main state data structures that are used in the Token program are Mint and Account. The Mint data structure is used to store the global information for a class of tokens.

/// Mint data.
struct Mint {
mint_authority: Option<Pubkey>,
supply: u64,
... // other fields omitted

The Account data structure is used to store the token balance of a user.

/// Account data.
struct Account {
mint: Pubkey,
owner: Pubkey,
amount: u64,
... // other fields omitted

Users can initialize these two data structures with the InitializeMint and InitializeAccount instructions. There are a number of additional instructions that users can use to modify these states. For this overview, we focus on the Transfer instruction. For the sake of simplicity in this section, let us model a Transfer instruction with the following structure.

/// Transfer instruction data
/// Accounts expected:
/// 0. `[writable]` The source account.
/// 1. `[writable]` The destination account.
/// 2. `[signer]` The source account's owner.
struct Transfer {
amount: u64,


Since an Account state is stored on chain, anyone can look up the balance that is associated with any user. In the confidential extension, we use the most basic way to hide these balances: encrypt them using a public key encryption scheme (PKE). For simplicity, let us model a public key encryption scheme with the following syntax.

trait PKE<Message> {
type SecretKey;
type PublicKey;
type Ciphertext;

keygen() -> (SecretKey, PublicKey);
encrypt(PublicKey, Message) -> Ciphertext;
decrypt(SecretKey, Ciphertext) -> Message;

Now, consider the following example of an Account state.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6,
amount: 50,

To hide the balance, we can encrypt the balance under the account owner's public key before storing it on chain.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6, // pubkey_owner
amount: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_owner, 50), // amount encrypted

We can similarly use encryption to hide transfer amounts in a transaction. Consider the following example of a transfer instruction. To hide the transaction amount, we can encrypt it under the sender's public key before submitting it to the chain.

Transfer {
amount: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_owner, 10),

By simply encrypting account balances and transfer amounts, we can add confidentiality to the Token program.

Linear homomorphism

One problem with this simple approach is that the Token program cannot deduct or add transaction amounts to accounts as they are all in encrypted form. One way to resolve this issue is to use a class of encryption schemes that are linearly homomorphic such as the ElGamal encryption scheme. An encryption scheme is linearly homomorphic if for any two numbers x_0, x_1 and their encryptions ct_0, ct_1 under the same public key, there exist ciphertext-specific add and subtract operations such that

let (sk, pk) = PKE::keygen();

let ct_0 = PKE::encrypt(pk, x_0);
let ct_1 = PKE::encrypt(pk, x_1);

assert_eq!(x_0 + x_1, PKE::decrypt(sk, ct_0 + ct_1));

In other words, a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme allows numbers to be added and subtracted in encrypted form. The sum and the difference of the individual encryptions of x_0, x_1 results in a ciphertext that is equivalent to an encryption of the sum and the difference of the numbers x_0 and x_1.

By using a linearly homomorphic encryption scheme to encrypt balances and transfer amounts, we can allow the Token program to process balances and transfer amounts in encrypted form. As linear homomorphism holds only when ciphertexts are encrypted under the same public key, we require that a transfer amount be encrypted under both the sender and receiver public keys.

Transfer {
amount_sender: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_sender, 10),
amount_receiver: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_receiver, 10),

Then, upon receiving a transfer instruction of this form, the token program can subtract and add ciphertexts to the source and destination accounts accordingly.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6, // pubkey_sender
amount: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_sender, 50) - PKE::encrypt(pubkey_sender, 10),
Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 0x89205A3A3b2A69De6Dbf7f01ED13B2108B2c43e7, // pubkey_receiver
amount: PKE::encrypt(pubkey_receiver, 50) + PKE::encrypt(pubkey_receiver, 10),

Zero-knowledge proofs

Another problem with encrypting account balances and transfer amounts is that the token program cannot check the validity of a transfer amount. For example, a user with an account balance of 50 tokens should not be able to transfer 70 tokens to another account. For regular SPL tokens, the token program can easily detect that there are not enough funds in a user's account. However, if account balances and transfer amounts are encrypted, then these values are hidden to the token program itself, preventing it from verifying the validity of a transaction.

To fix this, we require that transfer instructions include zero-knowledge proofs that validate their correctness. Put simply, zero-knowledge proofs consist of two pair of algorithms prove and verify that work over public and private data. The prove algorithm generates a "proof" that certifies that some property of the public and private data is true. The verify algorithm checks that the proof is valid.

trait ZKP<PublicData, PrivateData> {
type Proof;

prove(PublicData, PrivateData) -> Proof;
verify(PublicData, Proof) -> bool;

A special property of a zero-knowledge proof system is that a proof does not reveal any information about the actual private data.

In a transfer instruction, we require the following special classes of zero-knowledge proofs.

  • Range proof: Range proofs are special types of zero-knowledge proof systems that allow users to generate a proof proof that a ciphertext ct encrypts a value x that falls in a specified range lower_bound, upper_bound:

    • For any x such that lower_bound <= x < upper_bound:
    let ct = PKE::encrypt(pk, x);
    let public_data = (pk, ct);
    let private_data = (sk, x);

    let proof = RangeProof::prove(public_data, private_data);
    assert_eq!(RangeProof::verify(public_data, proof), true);
    • Let x be any value that falls out of the bounds. Then for any proof: Proof:
    let ct = PKE::encrypt(pk, x);
    let public_data = (pk, ct);

    assert_eq!(RangeProof::verify(public_data, proof), false);

    The zero-knowledge property guarantees that the generated proof does not reveal the actual value of the input x, but only the fact that lower_bound <= x < upper_bound.

    In the confidential extension, we require that a transfer instruction includes a range proof that certifies the following:

    • The proof should certify that there are enough funds in the source account. Specifically, let ct_source be the encrypted balance of a source account and ct_transfer be the encrypted transfer amount. Then we require that ct_source - ct_transfer encrypts a value x such that 0 <= x < u64::MAX.

    • The proof should certify that the transfer amount itself is a positive 64 bit number. Let ct_transfer be the encrypted amount of a transfer. Then the proof should certify that ct_transfer encrypts a value x such that 0 <= x < u64::MAX.

  • Equality proof: Recall that a transfer instruction contains two ciphertexts of the transfer value x: a ciphertext under the sender public key ct_sender = PKE::encrypt(pk_sender, x) and one under the receiver public key ct_receiver = PKE::encrypt(pk_receiver, x). A malicious user can encrypt two different values for ct_sender and ct_receiver.

    Equality proofs are special types of zero-knowledge proof systems that allow users to prove that two ciphertexts ct_0, ct_1 encrypt a same value x. In the confidential extension program, we require that a transfer instruction contains an equality proof that certifies that the two ciphertexts encrypt the same value.

    The zero-knowledge property guarantees that proof_eq does not reveal the actual values of x_0, x_1 but only the fact that x_0 == x_1.

We formally model and specify these algorithms in the subsequent sections.

Usability Features

Encryption key

In the previous section, we used the public key of the account owner to encrypt the balance of an account. In the actual implementation of the confidential extension program, we use a separate account-specific encryption key to encrypt the account balances.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6,
encryption_key: mpbpvs1LksLmdMhCEzyu5UEWEb3dsRPbB5, // pke_pubkey
amount: PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey, 50),

The account-specific encryption_key can be set by the owner of the account using the ConfidentialTransferInstruction::ConfigureAccount instruction. A corresponding secret key can be stored privately on a client-side wallet or can also be deterministically derived from an owner signing key.

In general, a direct re-use of a signing key for encryption is discouraged for potential vulnerabilities. The confidential extension is designed to be as general as possible. Separate dedicated keys for signing transactions and decrypting transaction amounts allow for a more flexible interface.

In a potential application, the decryption key for specific accounts can be shared among multiple users (e.g. regulators) that should have access to an account balance. Although these users can decrypt account balances, only the owner of the account who has access to the owner signing key can sign a transaction that initiates a transfer of tokens. The owner of an account can update the account with a new encryption key using the ConfigureAccount.

Global auditor

As separate decryption keys are associated with each user accounts, users can provide read access to balances of specific accounts to potential auditors. The confidential extension also allows a global auditor feature that can be optionally enabled for mints. Specifically, in the confidential extension, the mint data structure maintains an additional global auditor encryption key. This auditor encryption key can be specified when the mint is first initialized and updated via the ConfidentialTransferInstruction::ConfigureMint instruction. If the transfer auditor encryption key in the mint is not None, then any transfer instruction must additionally contain an encryption of the transfer amount under the auditor's encryption key.

Transfer {
amount_sender: PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_sender, 10),
amount_receiver: PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_receiver, 10),
amount_auditor: PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_auditor, 10),
range_proof: RangeProof,
equality_proof: EqualityProof,

This allows any entity with a corresponding auditor secret key to be able to decrypt any transfer amounts for a particular mint.

Similarly to how a dishonest sender can encrypt inconsistent transfer amounts under the source and destination keys, it can encrypt inconsistent transfer amount under the auditor encryption key. If the auditor encryption key is not None in the mint, then the token program requires that a transfer amount in a transfer instruction contain additional zero-knowledge proof that certifies that the encryption is done consistently.

Pending and available balance

One way an attacker can disrupt the use of a confidential extension account is by using front-running. Zero-knowledge proofs are verified with respect to the encrypted balance of an account. Suppose that a user Alice generates a proof with respect to her current encrypted account balance. If another user Bob transfers some tokens to Alice, and Bob's transaction is processed first, then Alice's transaction will be rejected by the Token program as the proof will not verify with respect to the newly updated account state.

Under normal conditions, upon a rejection by the program, Alice can simply look up the newly updated ciphertext and submit a new transaction. However, if a malicious attacker continuously floods the network with a transfer to Alice's account, then the account may theoretically become unusable. To prevent this type of attack, we modify the account data structure such that the encrypted balance of an account is divided into two separate components: the pending balance and available balance.

let ct_pending = PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey, 10);
let ct_available = PKE::encryption(pke_pubkey, 50);

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6,
encryption_key: mpbpvs1LksLmdMhCEzyu5UEWEb3dsRPbB5,
pending_balance: ct_pending,
account_balance: ct_available,

Any outgoing funds from an account are subtracted from its available balance. Any incoming funds to an account is added to its pending balance.

As an example, consider a transfer instruction that moves 10 tokens from a sender's account to a receiver's account.

let ct_transfer_sender = PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_sender, 10);
let ct_transfer_receiver = PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_receiver, 10);
let ct_transfer_auditor = PKE::encrypt(pke_pubkey_auditor, 10);

Transfer {
amount_sender: ct_transfer_sender,
amount_receiver: ct_transfer_receiver,
amount_auditor: ct_transfer_auditor,
range_proof: RangeProof,
equality_proof: EqualityProof,

Upon receiving this transaction and after verifying, the Token program subtracts the encrypted amount from the sender's available balance and adds the encrypted amount to the receiver's pending balance.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6,
encryption_key: mpbpvs1LksLmdMhCEzyu5UEWEb3dsRPbB5,
pending_balance: ct_sender_pending,
available_balance: ct_sender_available - ct_transfer_sender,

This modification removes the sender's ability to change the receiver's available balance of a source account. As range proofs are generated and verified with respect to the available balance, this prevents a user's transaction from being invalidated due to a transaction that is generated by another user.

An account's pending balance can be merged into its available balance via the ApplyPendingBalance instruction, which only the owner of the account can authorize. Upon receiving this instruction and after verifying that the owner of the account signed the transaction, the token program adds the pending balance into the available balance.

Account {
mint: Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB,
owner: 5vBrLAPeMjJr9UfssGbjUaBmWtrXTg2vZuMN6L4c8HE6,
encryption_key: mpbpvs1LksLmdMhCEzyu5UEWEb3dsRPbB5,
pending_balance: ct_pending_receiver - ct_transfer_receiver,
available_balance: ct_available_receiver,

Cryptographic Optimizations

Dealing with discrete log

A well-known limitation of using linearly-homomorphic ElGamal encryption is the inefficiency of decryption. Even with a proper secret key, in order to recover the originally encrypted value, one must solve a computational problem called the discrete logarithm, which requires an exponential time to solve. In the confidential extension program, we address this issue in the following two ways:

  • Transfer amounts are restricted to 48-bit numbers.
  • Transfer amounts and account pending balances are encrypted as two independent ciphertexts.
  • Account available balances are additionally encrypted using a symmetric encryption scheme.

We refer to the subsequent sections and the documentation in the source code for additional details.

Twisted ElGamal encryption

A key challenge in designing any private payment system is minimizing the size of a transaction. In the confidential extension, we make a number of optimizations that reduces the transaction size. Among these optimizations, a significant amount of savings stem from the use of the twisted ElGamal encryption (formulated in CMTA19). The twisted ElGamal encryption is a simple variant of the standard ElGamal encryption scheme where a ciphertext is divided into two components:

  • A Pedersen commitment of the encrypted message, which is independent of any ElGamal public key.
  • A decryption handle that encodes the encryption randomness with respect to a specific ElGamal public key, and is independent of the encrypted message.

We provide the formal details of the twisted ElGamal encryption in the subsequent sections.