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The confidential extension program makes use of a public key encryption scheme and an authenticated symmetric encryption scheme. For public key encryption, the program uses the twisted ElGamal encryption scheme. For symmetric encryption, it uses AES-GCM-SIV.

Twisted ElGamal Encryption

The twisted ElGamal encryption scheme is a simple variant of the standard ElGamal encryption scheme where a ciphertext is divided into two components:

  • A Pedersen commitment of the encrypted message. This component is independent of the public key.
  • A "decryption handle" that binds the encryption randomness with respect to a specific ElGamal public key. This component is independent of the actual encrypted message.

The structure of the twisted ElGamal ciphertexts simplifies their design of some zero-knowledge proof systems. Furthermore, since the encrypted messages are encoded as Pedersen commitments, many of the existing zero-knowledge proof systems that are designed to work specifically for Pedersen commitments can be directly used on the twisted ElGamal ciphertexts.

We provide the formal description of the twisted ElGamal encryption in the notes.

Ciphertext Decryption

One aspect that makes the use of the ElGamal encryption cumbersome in protocols is the inefficiency of decryption. The decryption of an ElGamal ciphertext grows exponentially with the size of the encrypted number. With modern hardware, the decryption of 32-bit messages can be in the order of seconds, but it quickly becomes infeasible as the message size grows. A standard Token account stores general u64 balances, but an ElGamal ciphertext that encrypts large 64-bit values are not decryptable. Therefore, extra care is put into the way the balances and transfer amounts are encrypted and handled in the account state and transfer data.

Account State

If the decryption of the twisted ElGamal encryption scheme were fast, then a confidential transfer account and a confidential instruction data could be modeled as follows:

struct ConfidentialTransferAccount {
/// `true` if this account has been approved for use. All confidential
/// transfer operations for
/// the account will fail until approval is granted.
approved: PodBool,

/// The public key associated with ElGamal encryption
encryption_pubkey: ElGamalPubkey,

/// The pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The available balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
available_balance: ElGamalCiphertext,
// Actual cryptographic components are organized in `VerifyTransfer`
// instruction data
struct ConfidentialTransferInstructionData {
/// The transfer amount encrypted under the sender ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_sender: ElGamalCiphertext,
/// The transfer amount encrypted under the receiver ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_receiver: ElGamalCiphertext,

Upon receiving a transfer instruction, the Token program aggregates encrypted_amount_receiver into the account pending_balance.

The actual structures of these two components are more involved. Since the TransferInstructionData requires zero-knowledge proof components, we defer the discussion of its precise structure to the next subsection and focus on ConfidentialTransferAccount here. We start from the ideal ConfidentialTransferAccount structure above and incrementally modify it to produce the final structure.

Available Balance

If the available balance is encrypted solely as general u64 values, then it becomes infeasible for clients to decrypt and recover the exact balance in an account. Therefore, in the Token program, the available balance is additionally encrypted using an authenticated symmetric encryption scheme. The resulting ciphertext is stored as the decryptable_balance of an account and the corresponding symmetric key should either be stored on the client side as an independent key or be derived on-the-fly from the owner signing key.

struct ConfidentialTransferAccount {
/// `true` if this account has been approved for use. All confidential
/// transfer operations for
/// the account will fail until approval is granted.
approved: PodBool,

/// The public key associated with ElGamal encryption
encryption_pubkey: ElGamalPubkey,

/// The pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The available balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
available_balance: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The decryptable available balance
decryptable_available_balance: AeCiphertext,

Since decryptable_available_balance is easily decryptable, clients should generally use it to decrypt the available balance in an account. The available_balance ElGamal ciphertext should generally only be used to generate zero-knowledge proofs when creating a transfer instruction.

The available_balance and decryptable_available_balance should encrypt the same available balance that is associated with the account. The available balance of an account can change only after an ApplyPendingBalance instruction and an outgoing Transfer instruction. Both of these instructions require a new_decryptable_available_balance to be included as part of their instruction data.

Pending Balance

Like in the case of the available balance, one can consider adding a decryptable_pending_balance to the pending balance. However, whereas the available balance is always controlled by the owner of an account (via the ApplyPendingBalance and Transfer instructions), the pending balance of an account could constantly change with incoming transfers. Since the corresponding decryption key of a decryptable balance ciphertext is only known to the owner of an account, the sender of a Transfer instruction cannot update the decryptable balance of the receiver's account.

Therefore, for the case of the pending balance, the Token program stores two independent ElGamal ciphertexts, one encrypting the low bits of the 64-bit pending balance and one encrypting the high bits.

struct ConfidentialTransferAccount {
/// `true` if this account has been approved for use. All confidential
/// transfer operations for
/// the account will fail until approval is granted.
approved: PodBool,

/// The public key associated with ElGamal encryption
encryption_pubkey: ElGamalPubkey,

/// The low-bits of the pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance_lo: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The high-bits of the pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance_hi: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The available balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
available_balance: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The decryptable available balance
decryptable_available_balance: AeCiphertext,

We correspondingly divide the ciphertext that encrypts the transfer amount in the transfer instruction data as low and high bit encryptions.

// Actual cryptographic components are organized in `VerifyTransfer`
// instruction data
struct ConfidentialTransferInstructionData {
/// The transfer amount encrypted under the sender ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_sender: ElGamalCiphertext,
/// The low-bits of the transfer amount encrypted under the receiver
/// ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_lo_receiver: ElGamalCiphertext,
/// The high-bits of the transfer amount encrypted under the receiver
/// ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_hi_receiver: ElGamalCiphertext,

Upon receiving a transfer instruction, the Token program aggregates encrypted_amount_lo_receiver in the instruction data to pending_balance_lo in the account and encrypted_amount_hi_receiver to pending_balance_hi.

One natural way to divide the 64-bit pending balance and transfer amount in the structures above is to evenly split the number as low and high 32-bit numbers. Then since the amounts that are encrypted in each ciphertexts are 32-bit numbers, each of their decryption can be done efficiently.

The problem with this approach is that the 32-bit number that is encrypted as pending_balance_lo could easily overflow and grow larger than a 32-bit number. For example, two transfers of the amount 2^32-1 to an account force the pending_balance_lo ciphertext in the account to 2^32, a 33-bit number. As the encrypted amount overflows, it becomes increasingly more difficult to decrypt the ciphertext.

To cope with overflows, we add the following two components to the account state.

  • The account state keeps track of the number of incoming transfers that it received since the last ApplyPendingBalance instruction.
  • The account state stores a maximum_pending_balance_credit_counter which limits the number of incoming transfers that it can receive before an ApplyPendingBalance instruction is applied to the account. This upper bound can be configured with the ConfigureAccount and should typically be set to 2^16.
struct ConfidentialTransferAccount {
... // `approved`, `encryption_pubkey`, available balance fields omitted

/// The low bits of the pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance_lo: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The high bits of the pending balance (encrypted by `encryption_pubkey`)
pending_balance_hi: ElGamalCiphertext,

/// The maximum number of `Deposit` and `Transfer` instructions that can credit
/// `pending_balance` before the `ApplyPendingBalance` instruction is executed
pub maximum_pending_balance_credit_counter: u64,

/// The number of incoming transfers since the `ApplyPendingBalance` instruction
/// was executed
pub pending_balance_credit_counter: u64,

For the case of the transfer instruction data, we make the following modifications:

  • The transfer amount is restricted to be a 48-bit number.
  • The transfer amount is divided into 16 and 32-bit numbers and is encrypted as two ciphertexts encrypted_amount_lo_receiver and encrypted_amount_hi_receiver.
// Actual cryptographic components are organized in `VerifyTransfer`
// instruction data
struct ConfidentialTransferInstructionData {
/// The transfer amount encrypted under the sender ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_sender: ElGamalCiphertext,
/// The low *16-bits* of the transfer amount encrypted under the receiver
/// ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_lo_receiver: ElGamalCiphertext,
/// The high *32-bits* of the transfer amount encrypted under the receiver
/// ElGamal public key
encrypted_amount_hi_receiver: ElGamalCiphertext,

The fields pending_balance_credit_counter and maximum_pending_balance_credit_counter are used to limit amounts that are encrypted in the pending balance ciphertexts pending_balance_lo and pending_balance_hi. The choice of the limit on the transfer amount is done to balance the efficiency of ElGamal decryption with the usability of a confidential transfer.

Consider the case where maximum_pending_balance_credit_counter is set to 2^16.

  • The encrypted_amount_lo_receiver encrypts a number that is at most a 16-bit number. Therefore, even after 2^16 incoming transfers, the ciphertext pending_balance_lo in an account encrypts a balance that is at most a 32-bit number. This component of the pending balance can be decrypted efficiently.

  • The encrypted_amount_hi_receiver encrypts a number that is at most a 32-bit number. Therefore, after 2^16 incoming transfers, the ciphertext pending_balance_hi encrypts a balance that is at most a 48-bit number.

    The decryption of a large 48-bit number is slow. However, for most applications, transfers of very high transaction amounts are relatively more rare. For an account to hold a pending balance of large 48-bit numbers, it must receive a large number of high transactions amounts. Clients that maintain accounts with high token balances can frequently submit the ApplyPendingBalance instruction to flush out the pending balance into the available balance to prevent pending_balance_hi from encrypting a number that is too large.